Beispiel 044 - Fehlende Buchstaben einsetzen

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Beispiel 044 - Fehlende Buchstaben einsetzen2.png


+++5 Complete the dialogue with the missing words.

{{Die Anzahl der Gesamtbuchstaben eines Wortes und der erste Buchstabe werden zwischen {{…}} angegeben. Sind andere Buchstaben vorausgefüllt, werden sie ebenfalls in derselben {{…}} angegeben.}}

1 A: I can't do this puzzle. It's too {{9; d; 6. Buchstabe: c}} [[difficult]].

B: Oh, let me help you.


2 A: I watched a horror film last night.

B: Was it {{5; 2.Buchstabe: c}} []?

A: No, it was {{5; s}} []! I wasn't frightened at all.


3 A: Did you have a good holiday?

B: Yes, it was {{5; g}} []. I want to go there again next year.

A: Oh {{4; c}} []!


4 A: We went to the Science Museum yesterday.

B: Did you have a good time?

A: Yes, it was very {{11; i; 8.Buchstabe: t; 11.Buchstabe: g}} []. I'd like to go there again.


5 A: I got full marks in the Maths test.

B: Wow! That's {{7; a; 4.Buchstabe: s}} []! Well done. I couldn't answer all the questions. Some of them were very {{9; d; 4.Buchstabe: f}} []

A: Never mind. You got a good mark too and you passed.
