Beispiel 146 - Richtig oder Falsch ankreuzen
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- Auswählen
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- Nummerierung / Kennzeichnung von Beispielen
- Fußnote
- Aus dem Schulbuch
- 135558
- Seite(n)
- 86
Die Vokabel befinden sich zwischen doppelten senkrechten Strichen (||...\||) vor dem Text in dem sie verwendet werden.
Die Eingabemarke ([]) steht vor der jeweiligen Auswahl.
Fußnoten: die Verweise, die im Original mittels Sternchen gekennzeichnet sind, werden als nummerierte Word-Fußnoten übertragen.
+++A Read Emma's text. Tick T (True) or F (False).
Hi, my name's Emma. I've got an unusual pet. It's an owl. Her name's Wise One. She lives in a big, old tree next to our house. In the evening, I open the window. Then Wise One comes into my room. She can speak and she tells me lots of stories. She is very clever. At midnight, Wise One flies1 away. Then she flies around and tries to find food. She eats mice. So I don't feed her. In the morning, Wise One flies back to her tree. She sleeps in the tree during2 the day.
1 Emma's pet is an owl. [] T / [] F
2 Her pet's name is Wally. [] T / [] F
3 Emma keeps the owl in a box in her room. [] T / [] F
4 The owl can juggle. [] T / [] F
5 The owl is very clever. [] T / [] F
6 The owl comes to Emma's room in the evening. [] T / [] F
7 She flies away again in the morning. [] T / [] F
8 Emma's owl eats chocolate. [] T / [] F
1 fly - fliegen
2 during - während